
Each year, 10 young adults are selected as ambassadors to help strengthen a global understanding of what financial health means across communities.

Financial Health Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege

Financial health matters. It's deeply connected to our physical and mental health, influencing our stress levels and access to care.  The ability to build financial health should be a fundamental right, as it directly supports our overall well-being and allows us to make healthy choices.


What is the purpose of this initiative?


To feature stories from young adults that strengthen a global understanding of what financial health means across communities. We love promoting amazing humans!

What is the commitment?


This is a flexible program perfect for busy schedules! Ambassadors choose a small project throughout the year, like a blog post, social media campaign, or local event. Alumni can stay connected as mentors. Once you join the FinMango family, you're always a mango! 🥭

Is it a competitive process? 


This program is highly selective. In 2023, we chose only 10 ambassadors from over 200 incredible applicants. Craft thoughtful, compelling answers to stand out from the crowd.

Who can apply?


Young adults (ages 18-29) with a global perspective! Our 2023 participants represented seven countries, with an average age of 24.

What kind of support does FinMango provide?


We want you to succeed! As an ambassador, you'll receive guidance on how to be an effective champion for financial health and impactful communication. Optional training sessions on key financial health topics and ambassadorship may also be available to empower you on your journey. Plus, we'll maintain regular, informal check-ins to offer support and guidance throughout your term.

What is the cost? 


This is a completely FREE program for selected participants! Our focus is on amplifying incredible young voices and sharing their unique stories with the world.

Still have questions? mail us at

Financial Health Ambassadors

Each cohort, roughly 10 young adults are selected to join FinMango as a financial health ambassador to help strengthen a global understanding of what financial health means across communities.

Learn more about FinHealth →
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